Saint Anselm College

Fr Peter Guerin, OSB

Fr Peter Guerin, OSB, of Saint Anselm Abbey, died on July 9, 2021. I only remembered last night (over two weeks later) that I had made portraits of the monks of the Abbey about 10 years ago. (The diocese was compiling a new directory of religious, which included photos, and the monastery hired me for theirs.)

Fr Peter served the Saint Anselm College community in various ways throughout his long life. While I was a student there, he was Dean of the College. He was always warm and friendly, and I recall many little interactions. Just before I graduated, he said to me, 'If you ever want a job here, let me know.' By the time I finished my graduate school coursework five years later, he had moved to the College’s Campus Ministry, but I contacted his successor, and I soon began my teaching career.

Requiescat in pace, Pater.


Emily & Jake, married

I’ve known Emily and Jake since their time as undergraduates at Saint Anselm College, where they were both involved in the college’s Abbey Players theater group—of which I am the photographer. I was thriled when they asked me to photograph their summer wedding. The Catholic ceremony took place in the Abbey Church, and the reception was held at LaBelle Winery, complete with fireworks and plenty of dancing.

Ashley & Mark, married

Ashley and Mark began and ended their wedding day at the Bedford Village Inn; in between, they were married at Saint Anselm College's Abbey Church. I know the latter especially well,  being an alumnus (like the bride and groom) of the college, having photographed there many times, and having been married there.

The fall weather was perfect for these two lovely people and their family and friends to celebrate—which they did well into the night, indoors and out. The day couldn't have been better.

Madeline & Gerin, married

Madeline and Gerin were married on a beautiful summer day at The Abbey Church of Saint Anselm College. Their reception at the Stonebridge Country Club was slightly delayed by a wicked yet brief rainstorm: once it ended, however, the festivities commenced. 

The day was filled was families and friends celebrating this wonderful, genuine couple.

Jessica + Kevin, engaged

Jessica & Kevin are fellow alumni of Saint Anselm College, where they met running cross country, and they were returning to campus for an alumni race the following day. It was most fitting, then, that we return to those trails on campus for some engagement portraits.  The fall weather and light was perfect, and we ended the day with some photographs that will serve as their save-the-date cards (those are a surprise--not posted here).

Our session was relaxed and pleasant, and we discussed life after school, reading the great books, and their upcoming wedding.  I'm excited to share their wedding day with them next summer.